Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

Brutal memories


Everyone had sweet memories.
But I had untouchable memories.
That humiliated me, degraded me,
dehumanized me, reduced me,
Raped me, killed me
dismembered me, lynched me,
Burned me, stoned me, 
rejected me, repulsed me, and ostracized me.
Isolated me, excommunicated me in India
for being untouchable among Hindus. 

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What has been the memory of a Jew since October 7?
What is the memory of a queer person in Muslim families?
What was the memory of my animal and bird on the plates of non-vegetarians?
What was the memory of an untouchable in Hindu spaces?
What is the memory of a non-Muslim in the shadow of a Muslim?
What was the memory of an honest personality in the spaces of Africa?
Go vegan! Maha Pundit Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla, poet/vegan