
Two decades of love

Nearly twenty years, my beautiful wife, through life\'s ebb and flow,

In the tapestry of time, our enduring love does glow.

Through shared smiles and tears, in triumph and in rust,

We\'ve stood side by side, in unyielding trust.


Your laughter fills our home, a melody so sweet,

The love in your heart is my safest retreat.

With every challenge faced, my resolve might be put to the test,

But in your embrace, my spirit finds its rest.


From your nurturing soul to the strength in your strut,

I cherish every piece, every part, but oh! Especially your butt.

A playful note it might seem, but true as all above,

Every inch of you, my dear, has sculpted this endless love.


I acknowledge the trials, the times I\'ve been less,

My pledge, in earnest, is to restore my best.

For the beauty in your patience, in your unwavering support,

Encourages me to rise, to be the man of our shared fort.


So, this Valentine’s Day, amidst our love story so vast,

I vow to keep striving, for a future recast.

For my heart, for your love, wondrous as it\'s always been,

Happy Valentine\'s Day, to my queen with the lovely sheen.