Kinsley Lee

A Dedicatorial Poem to the Veterans of the Korean War

The hottest summer and the coldest winter,

You’re with the people who did not know by the order,

You’d fought with the soldiers who were from all lands

And offered your hand to the poor and shook hands.

The friends, in the smoke of the powder, you’d supported,

The freedom, in windy and iced ground, you’d guarded.


You’d fought against the invaders to support

The free people, and guarded the democracy fort

In this country. You came back after ceasefire,

Life and death, with a heart in a worn-tire.

You’d left but planted the freedom as a hero,

But in a short time, the world forgot the hero.


The battle were ceased but your battle commenced

Every day you’d lived always tensed,

And every night you’d dreamed the nightmare.

And you’d fought against the darkness in a dark lair.

The hero’s buried in oblivion at forgotten war,

But should not forgotten but be recalled successf’l war.


The every night the lights on the land

Are bright, the freedom is blooming this land.

Yesterday you had marched the muddy road,

Where the lots of cars’re running on the road.

Owing to your Tears, fifty million,

You’d rescued them and to live as free civilian.

(Feb., 16th, 2024, Kinsley Lee)