For this land is full of devils and fools;
She sits in her little white chariot
Looking for strangers to kiss
Behold the bacteria in her blood that reeks
Overall, she is a gentle soul
Touched by the very presence of sin
See, Las Vegas is a trap for us all
The winding enigma that never sleeps
The gentle hallways that lead to empty dreams
Spiraling out of control
In the midst of emotions
And you\'re not going anywhere
For the devil lies, lurking in vain
For the devil sleeps for no one;
A man and his best friend
They die together
In the midst of a land that\'s free
And out of the state of grace
There lives a pleasant dream
Unpleasant to the rest of the world...
And there he is
Trapped in a bottle
Disgracing his friend from ear to ear,
What are we doing here?
And in the state of Las Vegas, an emotional realm
People grow old and bitter
And live in these streets
There is no mind left to fulfill the soul
Oh where is the future of our children
Running around in a soulless city
With a state that\'s dead and gone?
For the lady with the whip in her hand doesn\'t know
The true value of residency
When it comes to the state of her children;
And the lady in the little white chariot knows
That old souls never get their rose
Because old souls don\'t matter in this world
For in Vegas, the Fremont Street Experience
Is their playground...
Let us look into the future, shall we?
Will all of Vegas exist in the next twenty years?
Or will it become the greatest damsel on earth?
For all you lost souls out there...remember this
Your lies are just as brilliant as your heartbeats
For you will never live to see the next twenty years
If you are lucky,
You will be able to kiss that woman in the white chariot.