
The World

I\'ve got an American Tourister bag,

A Chinese dress that\'s fab,

A Korean drama that makes me blush,

A Brit I probably wanna snog,

A Japanese singer I adore,

A Spanish course I\'ll never be motivated enough to finish,

A Europe trip on my bucket list,

Swiss chocolates that are calling my name,

A Polish scientist that inspires me,

An Irish influencer on Instagram that I admire,

A French guy who recommends the best books,

Romance novels featuring the Italian mafia (probably just a phase),

A South African cricketer that\'s superbly talented,

A book based in Germany that helped me out of a reading slump,

A friend in Russia who makes me feel so envious,

A castle in Scotland that sometimes appears in my dreams,

A Sri Lankan actress who is breathtakingly beautiful,

A Thai curry I really enjoyed,

But I\'m just a Desi girl,

What do I know of the world?