

Moldy bread 

rotten fruit 

adulterated wine

death to the body 

   empty mind .

Sterile and ploundering ,

 breast no longer feeds ,

plains drowned in alluvial deposits 

 proud peaks  so  erroded ...

Pulp from the fouled abysse 

harvest  face furrowed by dry winkles

skeleton silhouette, amaciated  arms 

begging for  indifference ,

smile with  receding gums  ...

A drooling trickle dozes  down 

the ravine of dried tears ...

Glassy blue eyes  like a dead lake ,

bleach forest , age of misery ...

Do you recognize  your mother 

whom you have reduced  to indignity ?

Desecrated  womb abandoned  in its 

vermin-eaten   mattress...

You who claim  to seduce 

the  unaproachable   stars 

 scoffing  at you ...

  Listen to her message and testament !

\'\' I am talking to you my son ,conceived

by the whim of  chance ! 

You \'ve  wasted  my season\'s heritage 

and my black blood ,sacred  cycle !

I am lacking air and water 

here , prostituted to the 

  greed of insects  !  

Me ,your mother  and  earth ! \'\'