fuck fairytales,
every fairytale myth legend and story
what if there all just twisted lies
the voice was taken from the mermaid,
but maybe she stole it in the first place
maybe she lied,
fooled us all with a pretty face
who said the damsel was ever in distress,
what if she was living her life
and they took her away from the one she loved
were told prince charming poisioned sleeping beauty,
were told hes the bad guy
and so we all hate him,
but were never told y
what if she rejected him a moment before
maybe the bad guy isnt as bad as were told,
and the hero isnt really good
the truth is not all fairytales have happy endings,
and some of them end in war
maybe the beast was a prince trapped in a lie,
maybe he was always kind
maybe the enchantress messed with thiere heads,
maybe she made them all hate him
snowhite was charmed by the sorceress,
but maybe she had checked the apple beforehand
just to make sure those dwarves didnt get it again
maybe the little mermaid didnt choose to sacrifice everything,
her whole identity for a man who was not loyal
her voice her scales her family
but what if all these what ifs and maybes were true,
and these words were all the twisted truths behind the stories
all the tales we grew up with,
all the lies we believed
and all there twisted lies