
How Are You?

Great time to have a writer\'s block is when you have a lot of ideas to write about, but no energy to write at all.

Wow, that\'s the longest paragraph I\'ve written since the day I realized I was torn.

Stagnant, delusional, bored, and just sad,

nothings new and not looking for what\'s ahead.


I missed my old friends,

I can\'t help but to think how they are.

They must have been through something too,

and I wasn\'t even there anymore to lend them my shoulders.


I missed my old buddies.

We shared the most dramatic and crazy stuff as a kid,

I wonder how they are doing now,

Do they know already the life\'s whats and hows?


I missed everyone terribly,

now that I miss my old self.

I missed the times where all I need to do is laugh,

now, even getting outta bed is tough.


When things just don\'t make sense at all

I wish I have somebody to text or give me a call.

A simple \"how are you?\" will do,

even if the body\'s asking for a warm hug too.