Accidental Poet

Running From the Laughter


I love hearing jokes

Getting lost in chuckles

Laughing so hard

Busting belt buckles


Be it a joke or a riddle

I’m an easy target

If you’re gonna light one up on me

 Might as well spark it


You’ll have me in stitches

When I fall out of line

Tears leak from my eyes

Upon delivery of punchline


I’m no stranger to writing

And telling jokes not my specialty

But listening

Part of my morality


Some of my favorite comedians

With them I know I’m in trouble

When they laugh at themselves

Leaving me in a pile of rubble


Red Skelton, King of Pantomime

With his own characters

Gertrude and Heathcliffe

Cauliflower McPugg and Deadeye regulars


Flip Wilson another favorite

Certainly, a funny man

“The Devil made me do it”

As Geraldine, he proved he can


And George Carlin, a class clown

His occupation of fool

My teenage years

He’d hysterically rule


Then Robin Williams came along

First as an alien named Mork

And on The Johnny Carson Show

Poor Johnny’s top would uncork


And who doesn’t know

Rodney Dangerfield

Hold onto your funny bone

On you, his humor he’ll wield


I can only take just so much

Making me all the more dafter

Chasing me to the Loony Farm

Running from the laughter


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2024