
Time difference

What to do with the 8 hours

of ocean,that separate  us ?

From theses waves 

between Quebec 

and place de Brouckére ?

And also from this melancholy

gazing vacantly into the blue ?

There,you see,we\'re talking 

to a one-day rain ,that hasn\'t

decide to die ...

And over there, are you bored 

in your dreams and their 8 hours

on my offbeat  loves ?

Plenty of times that can\'t be discussed

are slipping through our fingers...

An old broken-down piano 

playing  the merry melody ...

We\'re only in love with our distance,

and  desire of our inconstancy ...

I open my computer ,sending you

3 words that you\'ll discover 

when I \'ve gone dark in my mind .

In the face of the clock dictatorship ,

will we ever be able to drown the ocean

with 8 hours of hidden  tears ?