
Pretty Human?!

In a world of filters and selfies galore,

Where likes and follows define our score,

If I\'m pretty, they say I can\'t have a care,

No room for insecurities, no space to spare.


But am I not human, with feelings deep?

Can\'t I struggle, can\'t I sometimes weep?

Just because my face fits some ideal,

Doesn\'t mean my heart can\'t ache and feel.


\"You\'re perfect,\" they say, but what do they know?

The battles within, the doubts that grow.

Am I not allowed to question my worth,

To navigate the complexities of birth?


I may be pretty, but I\'m still me,

With flaws and fears, just like you see.

So let me feel, let me be real,

Insecurities and all, let them reveal.


For beauty fades, but what\'s inside,

Is where true strength and beauty reside.

So yes, I may be pretty, but hear my plea,

To be seen as human, just like thee.

