Kurt Philip Behm

Mors Spiritualis

Mors Spiritualis


Spiritual pornography

who is to blame

The prophets the poets

lascivious shame


With prurient verses

stark naked their prose

Defaming what’s virgin

their lust to impose


And when they have finished

exposing their ruse

They choke on its meaning

and die self-abused


(Rosemont College: February, 2024)




Divinity’s Pew


The truth stands in contrast

to only itself

Once mentioned eternal

when thought and then felt

It lives in the ether

past fortune or fame

Conscripted by conscience

no praise and no blame

The truth beyond reason

beyond lies or consent

The lucky among us

to follow its scent

Its trail leads to faith

divinity’s pew

Transforming the moment

— you first say I do


(Rosemont College: February, 2024)




Freezing The Moment


Are you the

lead actor

within your own myth


The script

ever changing

the past in its crypt


Can you freeze

the moment

with only one word


The Angel’s


— the devil unheard


(Rosemont College: February, 2024)




Salt Lick



endow a sword

to the few

— to command the many


(Rosemont College: February, 2024)



Modern Education


Learning more

about less and less

Feeling torn

in great duress

Faith attacked

 we hide from myths

Real love scorned

— ourselves we kiss


(Rosemont College: February, 2024)



Marx In Hell


Political salvation

the god of failure

Beatifying the collective

— on the devil’s throne


(Rosemont College: February, 2024)



Gnostic Dreams


The brighter the glare

we discover around us

The darker the light

stays hidden within

Secular salvation

a digital failure

God’s imminent nature

— indistinguishable from ours


(Rosemont College: February, 2024)



‘Sage To The Court Jester …’


God’s truth — Man’s truth

bridging the difference

trust in the Muse


(Rosemont College: February, 2024)