
The Post

I read the post and I immediately thought of you,

And I know that that is something that I shouldn’t do.

But when I read it, my brain began to wonder if it was just a coincidence,

Because it was hard to believe that someone was having the same incident.

But, then again, it could just be my brain trying to play a trick on me,

But I have learned that this is how I am always going to be.

That every little thing that occurs will make me believe that it is a sign from the universe not to 

give up on you,

Even though there is a small part of me that really wants to.

Because for year it has been driving me mad,

And instead of being hopeful, most of the time it just left me feeling sad.

But the timing of it seemed to good to be true,

That there was someone else knowing exactly what we were going through.

And I know that everyone is probably thinking the same thing,

And the reality of that did leave a little bit of a sting.

But, at the end of the day, it had to be directed to someone,

Cause if it wasn’t then there wouldn’t even be one. 

But it left me wondering if maybe I should swallow my pride and reach out,

But there is still that part of me that is filled with doubt.

That if you wanted to you would,

But at the same time, maybe I should.

Because it is just like how our friendship was before,

But at the same time, I don’t know if I could take it anymore.

Of constantly defending you when you keep playing games,

And giving so much of myself to you, just for you to end up feeling the same.

But maybe you realized that you threw away something good,

Because I know I will love you in a way that no girl ever could.

And maybe you finally realized it that you lost one of the best friends that you could have ever 


And you will come to realize that this relationship is just a fad.

That she is something that is good for now, but it is not something that will last in the end,

And I know that you will come crying back, once again.