Santajah Douglass

The Power Of My Blackness And My History

My power, my blackness, my womanhood
all intertwined in a dance of strength and beauty
like the roots of a mighty tree
deeply rooted in the soil of my ancestors
they sustain me, nourish me, empower me

My power
is not loud or abrasive
it is the quiet strength
of a river carving its path through the earth
it is the resilience of a seed pushing through the concrete
to reach the sun
it is the unwavering belief in my own worth
and the knowledge that my voice matters

My blackness
is a rich tapestry
woven with threads of history and struggle
it is the beauty of my skin
the curves of my body
the rhythm of my soul
it is the pride of knowing
that I come from a legacy of kings and queens
of inventors and warriors
of artists and activists

My womanhood
is a force to be reckoned with
it is the fire in my belly
the passion in my heart
the wisdom in my mind
it is the ability to nurture and heal
to create and inspire
to stand tall in the face of adversity
and demand to be seen and heard

Together, my power, my blackness, my womanhood
form a trinity of strength
that cannot be ignored
that cannot be silenced
that cannot be shaken
for they are the essence of who I am
they are the foundation upon which I stand

So do not underestimate me
do not try to diminish me
for I am a force of nature
a goddess in human form
and I will not be tamed
I will not be contained

I am powerful
I am black
I am woman
and I am beautiful.