
A Retort, To Mr. and Mrs. Cancel

In order for me, to sum things up,

I will sip, from the Flyting cup,

don’t lecture me on autonomy,

when you’re riddled with hypocrisy,

you’re no tutor, slave to trends,

with such a mind, we can’t be friends,

like you, I don’t have the time,

and as I check, there’s ample slime,

so, be a genie, set dream alight,

by simply getting; out of my sight!


And you, over there, who knows what to wear,

why not rethink, to give a care,

for if you dress, to advertise,

you can’t judge, those prying eyes,

such a thing, repeated fault,

when you; for no reason; scream “ASSAULT!”

Men in the dock, are lambs to slaughter,

please don’t teach this, to your daughter,

thus, you too, I do abhor,

so, turn around, and use the door!