

I\'m just gonna scream.

Fucking scream!!!!!

Why do relationships have to be so difficult??

Why doesn\'t the guy of my dreams come to me

Instead of me coming to him??

Why do I have to be broken in pieces??




and scared?


So so scared.

Cuz fuck, will I be alone forever?

Am I a piece of shit?

Im in so much pain

It hurts, and I\'m scared.

I don\'t feel like a person.

I feel guilty, 


And wish I were done with this life!


So what I\'ve learned:

Never chase after him

But don\'t be too scarce,


Take what he says 

And believe its a farce


Cuz its not what he says in the moment

You idiot,

Its the biiiiiig picture,

Don\'t u get it?


Don\'t worry what he thinks, 

Don\'t buy him drinks,

Its his job, his duty

Hell be slaving away till he\'s forty!!!


So all I think is that this world is one big knot

With misery and suffering my sad tale

Its crawling with lice and torture without prevail


So I cry

And I think and I 

Eat and I drink 

But I scream

Cuz I\'m in a bad dream.