
the world still turns

As I sat there, grieving and alone,
My world seemed to come to a halt,
I mourned the loss of my dear, dear one,
A pain that felt like it would never go.

But as the world around me kept moving,
A realization slowly came to light,
That life goes on, no matter what,
And it\'s up to us to make it right.

I learned that the sun still rises each day,
And the birds still sing their happy song,
And though my heart is heavy with grief and pain,
I know that my loved one would want me to go on.

And so, with a newfound strength and grace,
I picked myself up and took a stand,
I promised myself that I would try each day,
To live my life, and make my loved one proud.

Yes, the world can be cruel and cold,
But it\'s also filled with love and hope,
And it\'s up to us to find that light,
And hold on, no matter how rough the road.

So, for all who have ever lost a love,
Just remember you\'re not alone,
For even in the darkest times, there\'s hope,
And the world will keep turning, no matter what.