
I went to the city

Where have you been old friend
It’s good to see you again
I missed you and I missed
Our walks through the woods

Forgive me for leaving you behind

No ill intent, to be sure
But I should have known better
And drink from your waters instead

Forgive me

For yesterday I went to the city. To the streets and the noise and the cars. I went to the city and met the city people. I saw the boys playing in the park. And the grocer with the lettuce and the tomatoes and the apples red and green. I met the flower girl in the flower shop. She wore a pretty hat and smiled at me kindly. I went to the city, and in the tall buildings of glass and steel I met the businessman.

And I asked if he could help me. And he shook my hand coldly. And he smiled at me and forgot my name. Quick with truths and finalities. “I am a very busy man” he said. And I asked him about his business and his life in the city. “It’s just business, nothing personal. I make money and I never ask a question I don’t already have the answer to”.

And I told him about the boys and the grocer and the flower girl. And I told him about you and our walks through the woods. And I used words like beauty and freedom and I spoke of the music from your stream. And the businessman sneered at me: “You don’t know anything. Nothing is free and nobody cares about your little woods creek. Your words are not free, just worthless”.

Yesterday I went to the city
To the streets and the noise and the cars
And I saw kindness, honesty and innocence
And I saw insensitivity, impatience and contempt

And I found that I shouldn’t have left you
Tell me little creek, can you forgive me
Will you let me walk with you again

Will you tell me of your friendships
And your meanderings through the country
This morning I start on a good long walk
On the path you once drew for me

Oh! It’s good to be with you again old friend