
We Dislike In Others

We dislike in others what in ourselves we do see
The person who first said that certainly was not me
But with that person whether it be a he or a she
With their words of wisdom i can only agree

Those who crave for power dislike those who for power with them compete
And such people are never graceful in defeat
They sulk like a spoiled child if they don\'t have their way
They expect respect though to others respect they don\'t pay.

We dislike in others what in ourselves we suppress
Though our dislike for them in our own words we express
With your words towards those people you do seem unkind
Though some of their thinking in yourself you do find.

We dislike in others what we see in ourselves and it is no surprise
That with our words such people we try to downsize
Whoever said these words first to soul searching gave rise
And surely that person was one who was wise.