
when i was younger

when i was 5 i would run around kicking a ball around and climbing trees i didnt understand y people would always sit inside on thiere phones the outside world was so much better i swore when im older i will still go outside and explore i couldnt wait till i was 7 when people askes how old i was i could hold up 2 hands i thought that would be cool when i was 7 boys were gross i didnt understand y older kids always talked about boys they liked i swore i would never like a boy i couldnt wait till i was 10 when people asked me how old i was i could hold up all my fingers i would be double digits i thought that would be cool when i was 10 i asked my mom y she always wore makup she just laughed i swore i would never wear makeup i couldnt wait till i was 12 i couldnt hold up my hands anymore i thought that would be cool when i turned 12 i understood y people were always glued to thiere screens when i turned 14 i understood y my mom always wore makeup i cant wait till im 25 and i can have kids so i can watch them run around outside and ask me y i was always on my phone and y i wear makeup and i can relive the childhood i wasted wishing i was older