Accidental Poet

Your Favorite Beverage


Everyone has a preferred beverage

Like a glass of wine

Red or white

An evening with friends so fine


And a celebration of events

Congratulations with champagne 

A toast to man or woman of the hour

For achievement award they would attain


Or in crowded bar room

A shot or two of Whiskey

Watch your step here boy

This could get risky


Another in the bar room

Orders a round of beers

Just a jolly old fellow

To impress his peers


Still, another might prefer

On the rocks Gin & Tonic

A delightful gasp as it goes down

The look upon face so ironic


And call me boring if you want

As I down a bottle of ice-cold water

Strangely delicious, as it has no taste

But makes me smile like a thirsty Otter


So, with my preferred beverage

And you with yours

Let us toast to poetry

An opening of heart’s doors


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2024