Tom Dylan

It\'s Not Cool. It\'s Rude.

I text you but you don\'t text back,

I make you a brew, you don\'t say thanks,

I say good morning, you just look blank.

It\'s not cool, it\'s rude.


You drive like you\'re in a race,

can\'t keep that look of disdain

from your face,

when it comes to dating, you don\'t chase.

It\'s not cool, it\'s rude.


You ask a question and ignore my replies,

when I talk your roll your eyes,

you\'d ruin your best friend\'s 

birthday surprise.

It\'s not cool, it\'s rude.


On the times when you did not respond

I felt like I\'d done something wrong,

now I see I was right all along.

It\'s not me, it\'s you.