
Universal communion

Perhaps ,we must accept  the dawn harvest  with a pure heart

taking the path with the clear soul of a wise child .

Picking ,sublime flowers ,the  fragrance ,

remain open to message that reason cannot  convey ,

and believe the miracles do exist  ,simply  because 

we perceive them in the angel\'s smile and a passer-by eyes ...

Perhaps ,to be a believer ,beyond  the religion,

a seer who understand only  the void of the whole .

Accept your destiny as an open book on a divine score

that dies and   reborn  in  its echo .

The emotional kid of illusions will be  healed ,

the stream of madness doused itself  in the warmth of the atre...

Journey  through a single  moment  of grace 

where a constellation in time, blossoms 

into  the virgin\'s mantle, unfathomable bouquet !

 Then the mystery will be revealed ,

  universal  communion ...