
Beautiful Dumpster Fire

I think I’m still in love with you. 

You were beautiful and broken, just like me. 

We were like shattered glass, sharp and rugged; 

Yet a lovely symphony of sorrow. 

You stole my thoughts, 

You stole my heart. 

And at first, I didn’t mind, 

Until you gave it back broken and mangled; 

Unable to beat without your searing hot touch. 

It was painful yet exhilarating. 

Days of joy and laughter, 

Nights of warmth and desperation. 

It was fun, but it soon became exhausting. 

You didn’t love me, you loved him. 

And I don’t blame you, I loved him too, but I still loved you. 

I loved you so much it hurt. 

I would have torn my skin off and gave it to you wrapped in ribbon if you asked me to. 

But it was never enough, was it? 

What once was amazing soon became suffocating. 

You didn’t love me, 

But you couldn’t bear the thought of me having free will. 

It was always: “don’t do that” “don’t hang out with her, she’s a bitch” 

I did what you asked, when you asked it. 

Yet you never did the same for me. 

I was your support, your crutch. 

But I was standing on shattered bones. 

I still loved you. 

You left me, you left me because he left you. 

You left me to guilt him into taking him back. 

And when he refused, You followed me along like a lost puppy. 

I’ve always wanted to ask, why did you buy me flowers? 

For Valentine\'s day, even. 

You never did that when we were together, 

You never even told me why we weren’t together. 

I had to find out myself, 

You lied, and I fell for it. 

I fell for you and all your stupid fucking lies. 

So don’t buy me flowers, don’t buy me anything. 

And don’t talk to me like we are friends, 

And please don’t touch me ever again.