

endless thoughts spiralling,

ur words playing repeatedly in my head

the more u say,

the more it all feels pointless

i was never enough,

and never will be

and i hate the way,

ur words hurt but ik there true

and ik u enjoy,

when i run out in tears

maybe its my fault for believing u,

but can u really blame when nobody has ever told me im enough

i seek the love my parents never showed in u,

but u failed to show it too

u point out every small mistake i make,

and ignore anything i ever do right

u tell me u love me,

but ur \"love\" has me breaking down on the bathroom floor

u taught me to build walls so high,

only to trap me in this darkness

u burned me out,

then told me i was lazy

leaving me feeling worthless,

seeking the love i was never showed

only to have u keep breaking my heart