
Rosy Hibiscus


Far up in the deep Urayoán mountain,

Soft winds caress my face.

There I find the rosy Hibiscus in my path,

Bearing its funnel-shaped blooms by the side of the road,

To please the bees and the flying hummingbird.

Here might the hummingbird come to reach for

A deep drink of nectar touching the flower with tenderness.

The rosy petals waving in the wind made the dirt road

With their beauty young.

Hibiscus! Your charm displayed on the earth and sky,

And blessed are my eyes for seeing you glittering under the

Caribbean sun: that’s why you’re there, no rival can stand.

And in awe, I praise God’s marvelous works. Wonderful

Are God’s works; my eyes have seen them in you displayed.