

The common future belongs to the resilient

Those that see injustice and refuse to be silent

Panting and pursuing after those with a beautiful talent

                               For the commonwealth not to be left in the hands of the complacent

We must pull together to do the hard work in the present


To transform our commonwealth requires grit

And we can only sleep when we know that others are out of the dirt

Let us push and pull till our last breathe

So that when it is time to rest

We will be rest assured we gave our very best


The ides of March may be dangerous

But all and sundry must know we are

Standing together instead of piercing with scissors

The hall mark that shows we are serious

Is to burrow, grow and glow amidst the hidous


To all in the commonwealth family

We do not need a new set of homily

Treat one another with a sense of dignity

Carry out leadership with infectious humility

And handle with grace, this enormous responsibility


As we gather here to savour

Our heroe’s respledent, unrelenting and enchanting fervour

Let us spare a moment to remember their pains behind the razor

In their endless pursuit of becoming an impactful and eternal transformer

                                           So that at the end, we will say: This was our finest hour           By Senseiayo