Vikas Sharma

Veiled Majesty: A Journey to Annapurna\'s Soul

When Annapurna shrouds herself in veil,
The goddess of plenty, hidden, concealed,
A longing lingers deep within my soul ,
For her majestic presence to dissolve within.
Yet in her absence, I find the eternal truth,


The beauty that lies beyond ..
For when my eyes no longer meet her gaze,
I\'m reminded to explore life\'s endless maze.
For what it holds for me!!
Don\'t forget to look up and around,
In every corner, mystical dimensions can be found,


The world unfolds in infinite ways,
In destinations and moments, memories are made.
Annapurna base camp trek is not just for the end,
But a journey where memories ascend and transcend,
So let us cherish each step we take,
Embracing the beauty that lies in our awake.