Sakwa Franc

I will

Stress, a heavy burden on my chest
A weight that never seems to rest
It creeps into my mind and soul
Leaving me feeling out of control

It tightens its grip with every breath
Leaving me feeling scared to death
I try to shake it off and let it go
But it lingers, a constant shadow

It clouds my thoughts and clouds my days
Leaving me feeling lost in a maze
I try to find my way out of the dark
But stress has left its mark

But I will not let it win
I will fight back and begin
To take control of my mind
And leave stress far behind

I will breathe in peace and exhale fear
And let go of all that I hold dear
For stress is just a passing storm
And I will weather it with grace and form

So I will rise above the stress
And find my way to happiness
For I am strong and I am brave
And I will not let stress enslave

I will conquer it with love and light
And emerge from the darkness, shining bright
For stress may come and stress may go
But I will always find my inner glow.