Michael Edwards






Someone today said: ‘ it’s yonks since we met’,

and casting my mind back I have to regret

that I cannot recall the last time I heard

that undefined baffling quite absurd word!


Is there someone out there to volunteer

to describe the word in language quite clear?

But if no one comes forward to offer a clue

here’s a few questions I pose for you.


Could it be that yonks are considered numeric

and measured in imperial or in metric?

Are they milliyonks or microyonks when they’re divided

or yonkettes, or yonklings; I need to be guided.


How many yonks (if time related)

have passed since time was first created?

How many yonks in a lifetime’s a thought

its something at school that is never taught.


How many yonks in a month could there be?

or months in a yonk thinking conversely

Could it be that they’re measured in years although

that’s only a rumour from yonks ago.




Michael Edwards © February 2024