Tune: Hendon
(one tune to \'Take my life, and let it be\')
Based on a prayer by Thomas á Kempis, 15th Century AD
Lord, deepen your love in me
That my inmost heart may see
How sweet it is to love free
Wholly devoted to be
Let me in your love dissolve
Each deed, word, from you evolve
Plunge me in that fount sublime
Possess my life for all time
May I know fervour, wonder
Holy desires my soul stir
Let me sing the song of love
Aid me Spirt, holy dove
Let me follow you each day
Going higher in your way
Inspire me, myself to spend
In your praises, life no end
Let me love you more than me
More than myself, who I see
Daily, but for you deny
You my heart see, test me, try
Let me love myself only
For your own sake, let it be
Not in selfishness nor greed
That I not self\'s vain pleas heed
And too love those who love you
Love for God and neighbour too
As you law of love commands
Which was written by your hands