Qurrathul Ain


I dread changes the most,

When my life took a 180-degree turn,

I couldn\'t face it,

I, who always had a problem facing reality.


But found the easiest way to cope,

To not overthink, to ignore and to turn numb,

For ignorance is bliss to humankind.


Because if I think,

Then I\'ll realize all the things that I\'m not happy about,

And that won\'t be easy to digest.


Henceforth, there I grew a strong, unbreakable wall around myself,

Like the crab\'s carapace,

To escape from realities.


If I don\'t hold onto the wall tighter and keep it intact, 

Unbearable complication and worries come creeping to me,

I will never want to face the bitter reality,

If I had the choice to stay in sweet delusional dreams.


Oh, how I wish I could turn time!