Accidental Poet

A Memory So Deep


My fifth-grade classroom on the second floor, last classroom on the right.

In the background is the Lawson Tower which I’ve also written about before.


Few memories so genuine

Can stand the test of time

Like where and when

Love first drew the line


There she sat September 6, 1967

In my fifth-grade classroom

The first day of school

When my virgin heart first bloomed


Her eyes had me hypnotized

Her smile as Cupid’s arrow

To the core of my heart

Both part of me like bone marrow


Six years in that elementary school

But none so fine as the last two

Fifth and sixth grades

I must admit my attention due


Never before had I

Known of this love

Suddenly I’m mesmerized

Gifted from Heaven above


Since the age of ten

She owned my stare

Not to be rude but…

She’s so pretty beyond compare


Now the building for elderly housing

But oh, the memory of that classroom

And the girl who stole my heart

Stronger than the pull of the moon


I’m not allowed to go inside

But then, I don’t need to

So clear are the memories

Everyday bathed in love’s hue


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