Anthony “Tappy” Paull

It’s Life



Second son to his mother and the first and pride of his dad,

His father a sportsman and boxer but the child a small skinny lad, 

His parents and grandparents adored him and a good life for him they would bring,

And whilst unsure he could ever play sport to their joy they found out he could sing,

Through the early years he grew very little though it seemed not to matter a lot Through music and the Boys of Brigade he seemed to have found his own plot,

His father who still loved his football with his son would watch the sport on TV,

But by chance the lad spoke to his cousin who said you should try to play it and see,

So he soon joined the club of the Brothers though small and uncertain he would be,

When the judges took score of one thing they were sure Best Clubman he was they agree,

He played not just for the Bretheren but with his school and the Saints he would share, 

His father still uncertain about the boy when asked how did he play replied you were there,

But footy was not an only interest for he had learnt to skate on thin ice,

Nearly every day he skated away and discovered girls skaters were nice,

But a new sport was born of this interest for Ice Hockey he would learn to play,

Then asked by his team to be Goalie his teams new Champions so here he would stay,

But life give and takes as we travel and on that one fateful day,

Riding to work on his gleaming new bike a crash took his right leg away,

No longer able to run or skate and barely able to walk,

A new chapter in life he needed to start so with his parents he needed to talk,

Since 16 this lad had gamefully worked in the business of Shipping employed,

But for his love of motorcycles a change he would make to be closer to what he enjoyed,

Of sports his dreams were forgotten one leg not enough to compete,

But he learned when you roadrace a motorcycle you really don\'t need two feet,

A first try would not go unnoticed for his efforts the President gave an reward,

And during the very next season he took the Sportsman\'s Encouragement Award,

But another sport had been calling as he now learned to ski on the snow,

So with little tuition and too much ambition Alpine Racing he thought he would go,

But work, a wife and son had arrived and took precedent over just having fun,

A brief time in Karting and Speedway before stopping to care for his son,

But all this time he had practiced his singing and with the Academy learned,

Seeing a show on the stage he wanted to play so to Savoyards his interest would turn,

A pirate, a bum, a book seller to play he worked hard to sharpen his skill,

And to add to the fun he was joined by his son who could imitate voices at will,

Acting and and singing in many ensembles a lead role he wanted to play,

For Phoenix he auditioned the role of the father and was awarded the role on that day,

The lad loved to speed across land air and sea and this he knew how to do,

To pilot a watercraft supercharged, soaring a Glider and racing a motorbike too,

But these days he just likes to travel over Japan and Asia to roam,

But he kept on returning to Thailand and today he calls Thailand his home.

This lad no matter what has happened to him had always tried to stand tall,

Now his parents and brothers have all passed away he is glad he was born as a Paull.