


Nature tells the tales of old,
Sometimes brave and sometimes bold,
Like how a chicken longs to fly,
Watching the eagle soar in the sky…
Now our thoughts seem to pass,
On an ant lost in the grass,
It scuttles and struggles here and there,
And might stumble into a predator\'s lair… 
After that, our thoughts will rest,
On a turtle’s babies’ nest,
Trying to escape from the land to the sea,
Very few make through the journey…
A furry mouse hiding about,
Having to creep silently out,
Hoping to find food for itself,
Dodging the danger of the cat on the shelf…
Nature tells the tales of new,
The present day, me and you,
Like how a chick hatches out of its shell,
Opens its eyes, and takes its first smell…
A caterpillar wriggles in its cocoon,
Now it\'s a butterfly, ready to fly soon,
Adorned with jewels in its pretty wings,
The butterfly listens to the bluebird sing…
A little seed grows into a tree,
The flowers pollinated by the buzzing bee,
The magnificent tree, so big and tall,
Gives food to many and shade to all…
But a sudden fire destroys the woods,
Taking away all that was good,
As it badly affects the earth,
It sends a message - “it’s time for rebirth!”
But all the good will slowly turn into bad,
Because we are making the nature sad,
So we must join hands as one,
And realise the mistake we have done…
We have done wrong, let’s put it right,
Let’s come together, let’s unite,
We need to be strong, we need to be brave,
For, our home, we need to save. 
 -Kaashvi Sharma