
On What Greatness Is

On what greatness is not all would agree
The one great to you may not be so to me
As we all look at things in our ways differently
Suppose this is how we are and on how we always will be
But how boring we would be for want to it of a better name
If we agreed on all things and on all things thought the same
On second thoughts this might lead to worldwide peace and harmony
Though difference in thinking stirs the creation in humanity
From on what greatness is i have seemed to stray
We all have our own views on this it would seem true to say
Of singing the praises of their heroes or heroines some never seem to tire
But many of their sort of role models i for one cannot admire
The names of those i admire never appear on a memorial wall
In fact they are not even well known at all
Yet for their selflessness to their higher selves they are true
Though they never receive the credit they are due.