
Three Short poems on Medicines

Jack and Jill


Jack and Jill
Were on a pill
To make them pay attention


Jack came down
And broke Jill\'s crown
So the company released a statement


It wasn\'t the drugs
Those kids are thugs
And anything else is libel



Little Piggies


This little capsule went to market
This little capsule stayed in the lab
This little capsule had high profits
This little capsule had none
And this little capsule went wee, wee, wee till you die of dehydration



Pharmaceutical Bingo


Take this pink pill for your gout
Oh, by the way your hair will fall out


So take this blue pill and stay in bed
Did I mention it will mess with your head

Then take this green pill and try not to fart
As I\'m afraid it put a strain on your heart


So take this grey pill and exercise
The thing though is you will bleed from your eyes


So take this yellow pill and don\'t go out
Because these will aggravate your gout


So take this pink pill ....