Anthony “Tappy” Paull

Soar to the Sky

Any man sees the The Eagle soaring with the greatest of ease 

While men walk on the ground dreaming of flight just a tease


But though no man can fly on his own sure it is true,

We built manned flying machines of fabric wire and spruce,


The Wright Brothers first to the air they would take,

But by now all men dreamed for the dream was awake,


But their wings could not move fixed straight with no power,

So attached an engine to push the plane along in this hour,


Over the years man would try many forms of propulsion,

If you like clean air though piston, jet, rocket cause revulsion,


To truly be free and fly like the bird then you need only air and the wing,

Study you must of airstreams and thermals then to soaring yourself you bring,


For Soaring achieved in a glider we see that has no means of self motivation,

But soaring in air full of thermals and lift of the Raptor it’s a true imitation,


Me a right leg amputee was a glider for me for foot pedals you must control,

My instructors at Boonah said hoshposh and soon I would pilot the plane whole,


It was said to me boy have you not heard of ace fighter pilot Douglas Bader,

With two legs of tin in a Spitfire, Battle of Britain would win it couldn’t be any harder.


I agreed now I can see if he can so me so I read his book Reach for the Sky, 

Solo pilot of glider I became soon using his inspiration you can understand why,


But what of the soaring wasn’t it boring circling thin funnels of air?

But if try you’ll discover like this is no other, Ridge to Cross Country dare,


So my brothers at Boonah I wish I’d come sooner so to learn and polish my skills,

Those these days I live so far away for sure come back to Boonah Gliding I will.