Anthony “Tappy” Paull

If you think you can’t you’re right!

Whilst we speak outwardly with other people all day,

In our head another voice does chatters away,


Only we hear those words for the voice for ourselves only meant,

But it’s words are they wisdom or paranoia which way are they bent,


Some say there’s two balanced to be Angel and Devil,

But which side of the ledger do you lean to be level,


To be too much of one and not enough of the other, 

Turn paranoid you will be or else conceited to another,


And so in our lives though we don’t even know it,

Influencing our action these voices do show it,


So be careful of love and all of it’s hurt the pitfalls it brings,

But my head on the other side says loves a wonderful thing,


Whichever voice you believe your path will it set,

But the consequences unknown to you still will be yet,


You may have been world champion but the voice said no chance,

If the voice is ignored you believe in yourself the chance you enhance,


For in this life there are no guarantees don’t give up before trying,

Your future unknown your achievements are real the voice just lying,


But the voice can be good even in bad it wants to protect from failure and pain,

Pain is a teacher failure too you cannot know your besters inside your brain.


Another opinion you should consider but your own decision the only one matters,

Voices you hear you still listen too but remember not to leave dreams in tatters,


So if you understand now if you think you can’t you’re right,

Reverse the scenario and believe you can be in the fight.