
In the blink of an eye

In the blink of an eye, the months swiftly fade

Wishing each lovely moment could forever be displayed

From daytime to bedtime, the moments slip away

I reach out to hold them, but they\'ll only stay for today


I yearn to be present, and strive to achieve a state of tranquility

I\'ll embrace the seconds, the minutes, the hours, though they aren\'t like infinity

For time may be fleeting, slipping through my grasp

But I\'ll cherish each moment, making them last


Time can pass quickly, there\'s never enough

I can only control my own pace, even that is tough

But it helps me feel like I have a grasp on time

I want it to be like a good rhyme


Life\'s a journey where time goes by

It seems like we need to let go of trying to rely

New goals, new ideas and new aspirations

But the thing I love most are our conversations