
Looking Forward.

Once more I look back,

Look back on my long life

And see how wonderful it was,

And in that time I met wonderful people,

Many became friends

And we would do anything for each other.

I worked all my life,

Never being out of work

Until that day came,

That day when I retired into my life,

A life full of love, music and wonder.

Yes there was sadness,

Sadness when my wife of forty years

Passed from this mortal coil.

But then a couple of years later

I met her,

Met the new lady, my new love.

Our love so strong

We just do not understand it,

Cannot understand it after losing,

Losing our loved ones.

But we have this love,

A love so strong.

So after looking back,

Looking back at my good life,

I can look forward,

Look forward to a better life.