Shlok Kumar

\" O ! My butcher lady \"

My heart pumps like as thou emotion\'s

Seems like mine heart slaver of thine,

Oh! My love come fast

thy country\'s far threescore mile.

Don\'t be habitual of thine for mine,

how\'ll survive i Without thou?

My lady, came and fill

mine broken heart,

with thy eminence love,

I\'m feeling like mine heart a vacant desert.

Thy promises frustrate mine ,

it sounds again and again of thee fake\'s promise,

She said to me that thou\'re bloody fool,

Thou feel like that i gives importance to thee,

but thou\'re like human\'s stool.

Oh ! Oh ! Oh ! Gosh 

What happened with her ?

She forgot our divine love

She taught me love\'s chapter 

But thy love\'s chapter

became for mine like slaughter.

She cut mine emotions, love , heart ,

into uncountable pieces,

like She\'s fond of meat.