
Island Nights

The sun lowers behind the Vineyard maples

Split sun rays bathe the lawn

Soft under our bare feet

As we drink and reminisce about all our special times

The sound of nostalgic choruses bring a rush of energy to our souls

Our laughter is the soundtrack for these times

As hazy joy sweeps over us more with each sip of our cocktails

Dusk approaches as the glowing windows of our weekend beachside home

become brighter by the minute

Weathered boats rock back and forth in tangerine sunset water

As a warm breeze dances around you

Caressing the tie dye dress draped over your mocha skin

Your hair rough and worn from the ocean water

Covering your angelic features as you brush it away

I read about true beauty in classic novels

But was yet to see it with my own eyes

Until I set them upon you

My hand is warm and safe in yours

Let me show you how I feel

As the moon illuminates the yard

and we dance into the night