Jonace Manyasa

Estranged lovers

In the depths of my heart, where love once burned so brightly, now lies an ache, a void that weighs heavily upon my soul. Estranged from your embrace, my world has turned to grey, a desolate wasteland where happiness once held sway.

Once, we were entwined, two souls dancing in harmony, our hearts beating as one, a rhythmic symphony. But fate had a cruel twist in store, tearing us apart, leaving behind a shattered dream, a broken heart. I wander through life, lost and alone, Yearning for your touch, your voice, your gentle tone.

Memories of our love haunt my every step, a bittersweet symphony that brings both joy and regret. In the silent hours of the night, when shadows dance, I close my eyes and see your face, a fleeting glance. Your laughter echoes in my ears, a haunting refrain, and a reminder of the love we shared, now forever gone.

Days turn into nights, and still I\'m adrift, A ship without a sail, a soul without a drift. Despair threatens to consume me, drag me down, But deep within, a flicker of hope still burns, holding on. I long to bridge the chasm that divides us, to rebuild the bond that once made us united. With trembling hands, I pen these words, a plea, and a desperate cry for a second chance, for you to set me free.

I know that the path to reconciliation may be fraught with pain, but I\'m willing to face it, to bear the burden again. For in your heart, I believe a flicker of love still resides, a spark that, with careful nurturing, can once again ignite. Time may have taken its toll, but my love for you remains, unwavering, unyielding, despite the heartache and the pains.

I cherish the memories we shared, the moments we held dear, and I pray that one day, we can create new ones, banishing all fear. So I send this message out into the universe, a heartfelt cry, hoping that it finds its way to you, soaring through the sky. If there\'s even a glimmer of hope, a chance for us to mend, I\'ll seize it with both hands, my love, until the very end. I\'ll wait for you, my love, with patience and with grace, in the depths of my heart, you hold a sacred place. No matter how long it takes, I\'ll never give up hope, for in my heart, our love remains, and a flame that will never elope.