


If true love has such spiritual dimension

then I trust that someday it will find me


and as I wait

I ask myself

 all the questions sitting

impatiently on my mind


reflecting on…


courtly love

forbidden love


storge love

and of course


 divine love


those so deeply in love?


for example...

 Romeo and Juliet


knowing such intimacy exists


yet never to bring them

to their union as soulmates

a love

forbidden by others



it was to lead them

to a death of a sinister kind


they did it anyway

because they were in fact soulmates


thus, finding love

living happily ever after

isn’t just a myth

to those whom have experienced

 such love?



I myself do believe


after all


even just to experience

 that spiritual dimension

 for one single moment whilst I breathe


makes the loss so much less painful

eternally giving it

 it\'s very own pedestal.