
The Hippies World.

As I step off the Universe into this new place

I see a sign in front of me

And it says

“Beware Hippies Are Hear

And you will find peace, love and joy!”


I walk passed the sign

And find this place,

This place where the wonder of love,

Love and happiness abound,

A new place where there is no sorrow,

No unhappiness,

Where all the life I see is good.

Agreement is the way of life,

Where all help each other into a better way,

A better way of living in this place.


I look back at the Universe and wonder,

Wonder why my Universe, my world

Cannot be like this

If it was like this all would be fine.

But now I have moved on and am here,

Here in this new place where sorrow,

Sorrow and acrimony have never been.


Now happy in my life where love is for all,

Maybe I have found that place,

That place where the Hippies now live,

And are led by their mantra,

Make Love Not War.