Kinsley Lee

The Ode for the Eternal Love

(In Memory of Late Captain Kenneth & Nancy Hummerston)


When young, they met at foreign land,

And soon being the lover and happiness’s at hand.

They married and spent their honey moon

But he left her with a word, “I’ll come back, soon”

They only knew the Korea and diarrhea,

But by the order, he departed for the people in Korea.


She’d floated the longing on the Ota-river,

And he’d fought for defending the Nakdong-river.

She’d been daily waited for honey’s returning,

But sad to say, no worth of waiting,

She received a notice and be a war widow,

But she stood up and won the dark shadow.


Even alone, she returned to her country,

With the injured veterans, she’d written a new story.

Their honey moon lasted twenty days

But the waiting was twenty thousand days.

After long waiting she came here,

And met her honey passing the year.


They met again this hallowed ground,

To rest together, at last, they found.

Sorrowfully they did not left their children

But they welcome the men, women and children.

They fought for freedom of the people in this land,

And they’ll rest for ever, as the parents for this land.

(Mar. 10th, 2024, Kinsley Lee)