Royce Earnest Rasmussen

Spring\'s Symphony: A Poem of Nature\'s Awakening

In the garden, cherry blossoms bloom,
Their petals whisper secrets of spring.
Their delicate dance, a fleeting moment,
A symphony of color against the sky\'s canvas.

Beneath the trees, a gentle breeze stirs,
Carrying the fragrance of new beginnings.
It weaves through branches, caressing leaves,
Whispering promises of rejuvenation.

A robin sings its joyful song,
Adding melody to the awakening world.
Its notes, a chorus of hope and renewal,
Echoing through the tranquil morning air.

In the distance, a stream murmurs softly,
A symphony of nature\'s serenity.
Its gentle babble, a timeless melody,
Flowing through the landscape, a river of life.