Saxon Crow

Shadow and Light

Midsummers eve when day meets night
When light and shadow come alive
That is when the magic realm
Opens doors into this world
And from bough and root
From bush and bramble
Little things run and scramble
Translucent figures dance in light
While the woodland folc
Keep out of sight
And should you be a passer by
Their glamour fogs 
Your narrow mind
And on you go so unaware
Of magical things playing there
But once in a while
These things are seen
In the corner of your eye
In your wakeful dreams
Then in a blink they’re gone again
Mere shadow and light
Caught on a breeze
For mystery will remain as is
An unknown, a curio, a puzzle piece
But magic is real 
Where we are not
And folklore and fairy tale
Should not be forgot
Because once upon a yestertime
We knew these things
Were full of life
But history has dulled the senses
We’ve left behind such ‘childish’ fancies
And yet there is hope
In shadow and light 
Where there is no such thing 
As a prisoned mind
Where the fairy folc live and play
When one day maybe 
They will return again.