Angelia Lamar

It Amazes Me

It amazes me how some people overlook the Truth starring them in the face.  Child you have to pray hard to stay in this race!


It amazes me how some people won’t respond to the Truth, But are more quickly to agree with some story of half truth!  


It amazes me how people will sleep on you, And then when you succeed they wanna be in your plans and view!


It amazes me how some people sleep on you, Because it’s not them going through, Sadly enough to a caregiver, Often relieving help, The Help dwindles down to be very few.


 It amazes me when people sleep on you and you ask where were you when I needed you?

Then they act like they didn’t even know!  That’s when you have to  politely evict them out of your mind, And tough love let them go!  


So my advice to you is check yoself before you wreck yoself, So you can relieve yoself, So you won’t have to troubleoneself!